Exporters: Nearly 4 Tons of gold, Exported

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Head of the Preliminary Body for Gold Exporters and Producers in Sudan, Abdul-Hakim Mamour, has denied news that the country’s exports of gold metal has ceased.
Abdul Hakim announced, in press statements, the export of 3 tons and 700 kilograms of gold during the past 3 months, in coordination with the Ministry of Minerals, the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company (SMRC), the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Sudan, the Customs Authority, the Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization (SSMO), and the security services.
He explained that the last export operation took place yesterday, Thursday, revealing the number of 21 companies currently working in the field of gold export. Abdul Hakim explained that there is no legitimate body currently that speaks on behalf of producers and exporters of gold, referring to the decision of dissolving unions and federations by the Sovereign Council. He said that the public interest and the privacy of the gold metal required the formation of the preliminary body for gold exporters and producers by the owners of the companies and the names of the producing businesses to engage in activity in that sector in the period the country is going through.
Abdul Hakim thanked the government, represented by the Ministry of Minerals and the SMRC, for canceling the fine collection fees, facilitating the export process through free forms, and following up on export operations from the production stage from markets and mining sites to the markets in the cities, and then completing the export process.