Two Children killed, others Missing due to Floods in Abu Hamad and Massive Destruction of Villages

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
Two children were killed and three others went missing after being swept away by strong floods in a village in Abu Hamad city in River Nile state.
Local authorities in the Northern state said that the rains that hit the state on Tuesday killed at least 12 people and injured more than a hundred.
The torrential floods destroyed hundreds of homes in the city, which includes the largest gold mining centers in the country, addition to causing severe damage to the markets.
The valleys swept mining waste into the city, according to testimonies from a health expert and residents who spoke to Sudan Tribune on Tuesday, warning of the catastrophic situation the city is currently experiencing.
A resident of the village of “Nadi” told Sudan Tribune on Wednesday that two children died after being swept away by the floods, while residents in another village confirmed the loss of three children who were swept away by the floods and their fate remains unknown.
Government sources in Abu Hamad revealed to Sudan Tribune that the rains and floods destroyed 3,500 homes in the “Al-Shireik ” area, which were leveled to the ground, in addition to the water surrounding 11 villages and completely isolating them.
The sources affirmed that the floods and rains destroyed more than 80% of the city of Abu Hamad, and described the situation as catastrophic with the increasing scale of the tragedy that the city is currently experiencing.
At the same time, medical sources at Abu Hamad Hospital said that the morgue received 12 bodies of victims of the rains and floods until Wednesday.
They afirmed that about 180 injuries arrived at the hospital, some of them critical due to the rains, floods and the collapse of homes on their residents.