My Message to the Leaders of the National Islamic Movement
Osman Jalal
A vision is the grand ideal dream that inspires society. The vision, mission, and values form challenges and sources of inspiration that leaders and experts present to motivate society to make intellectual efforts and sacrifices to achieve it. This has been the practice of great leaders throughout history.
When Makkah and Madinah became too tight for the first Islamic vanguard, and their hearts reached their throats in fear, the Prophet (PBUH) was there, motivating and reminding the companions of the glad tidings of the vision and the forthcoming great conquests. He said, “Allahu Akbar! I have been shown the palaces of Kisra and Khaybar opened to me. By Allah, this religion will reach where a rider will travel from Aden to Hadhramaut fearing none but Allah and the wolf for his sheep.”
Even when the Prophet (PBUH) experienced moments of human despair — *”Perhaps you would kill yourself [out of grief] over their footsteps”* — divine visions came to him, as seen in the symbolism of the Isra and Mi’raj journey, and he returned with increased certainty, steadfastness, and optimism in the glad tidings of victory.
This religion is precious and noble in all stages of its revelation and growth: “No! Indeed, it is a reminder for whoever wills, in honored sheets, exalted and purified, carried by the hands of messenger-angels.” Therefore, its bearers must also be noble, proud, and worthy, just as its leaders were, like Abu Ja’far al-Mansur who said, “O cloud, rain wherever you please, for your revenue will come to me,” and Tariq bin Ziyad who said to the sea, “O sea, if I knew there were people behind you, I would cross you to deliver God’s message.”
During the first and second world wars, the leaders of the Axis and Allies were planning for the post-war period: the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, the planning experiment in rebuilding Germany, and the emergence of quality experts in Japan and America, including Deming, Juran, Crosby, and Ishikawa.
Strategic and operational planning was the driving force behind the reconstruction of Japan, Europe, and Germany, as noted by the German strategic expert Geoffrey Defendorf. The results speak for themselves: Germany is Europe’s leading economy, and Japan ranks third in the world.
Strategic planning for post-April 15, 2023, Sudan should be the slogan for creating comprehensive national revival projects.
The Daqlo family’s terrorist war has affected every aspect of Sudan’s public and private institutions, decimating the national economy, which had already been weakened by the global financial crisis of 2008, the loss of oil from the economy after South Sudan’s secession in July 2011, Western and American sanctions, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting economic disruptions. The transitional government after the December 2018 revolution also failed to manage the economic crisis, followed by the war on April 15, 2023.
One positive outcome of this war is that the entire Sudanese community has rallied with courage and dignity, in both financial and physical support, to back the Sudanese army in its existential battle. This brave societal response is a sign of victory on the battlefield and an inspiration to establish a sustainable democratic system and lead the nation’s economic, cultural, and social revival, with the guiding principle being a *leading society*.
I am confident that despite all its tragedies and horrors, this war will be the last calamity and war in Sudan.
Every major transformation in the Islamic movement since its inception has been grounded in strategic planning and interaction with society. It evolved from an elitist group into a societal movement seeking reform through intellectual and political engagement with its opponents.
Then came the stage of reconciliation with Nimeiri in 1977, with the Islamic movement’s condition for signing being: “Let us be among the people.” This was followed by the great expansion during the National Islamic Front experiment in 1985 and the stage of maturity after the June 30, 1989, revolution, with its strategic foundation laid in the comprehensive national dialogue conferences of August 1989.
My brief message to the leaders of the National Islamic Movement, in all its organizational forms, is the necessity of forming a committee of experts to be the seed for a strategic unity project. This committee should bring together cadres with professional and scientific qualifications and a wealth of experience at both the national and global levels. The tasks of this committee would include strategic and operational planning for the post-war phase, focusing on the following priorities:
1. **Unifying the National Islamic Movement** – Divisions have turned the Ingaz (Salvation) experiment into a power project driven by tactical thinking, resulting in the secession of the South, the collapse of the experiment, and the rise of the traitorous clique of the Daqlo family, leading to the external domination of the Sudanese state, using these traitors to destroy it.
2. **Forming a critical historical bloc** that includes all partners and honorable nationals to agree on national principles and issues of national construction and sustainable democracy.
3. **Reconstruction**, drawing on successful regional and international experiences.
4. **Reweaving the social fabric** and preserving national unity from the deadly identity conflicts, considering regional and international experiences in reconciliation and national harmony.
5. **Encouraging Sudanese society to mobilize** and participate in the reconstruction efforts.
6. **Encouraging Sudan’s friends and partners**, including nations, organizations, and financial institutions, to contribute to rebuilding and rehabilitating the Sudanese economy.
These are general guidelines that we hope will be refined with additions, detailed in specialized papers, and nurtured with constructive brainstorming and practical, executable outcomes.
Sunday: September 8, 2024