Statement from the University of Khartoum Regarding an Agreement with “DataFlow” to Certify the University Certificates

Khartoum – Sudan Events
The University of Khartoum, represented by the Secretariat of Scientific Affairs, signed a legal agreement with DataFlow, an international company working in the field of verifying the authenticity of university certificates in order to present them to bodies serving graduates all over the world.
The university’s move came to support graduates in the local, regional and international labour market on the one hand and to protect university degrees from forgery and tampering on the other hand, especially in light of the circumstances the country is witnessing.
The university said in its third statement that the agreement is continuing, which has helped a lot in securing university degrees. It noted that since the war, the secretariat had not received any certificate from the company to verify its certification, which has raised many doubts and questions, especially since the company is still receiving requests to verify graduates and other entities without returning them to the secretariat for investigation. The University confirmed that it had not received a request for verification and audit since April 15 and, therefore, is not responsible for the certificates issued by the company or issued from that date until today. It added that it had not assigned any party to act on her behalf in verification and audit. Then, it said that it has been providing verification services to many entities wishing to employ graduates.
The secretariat stated that it did not involve any party outside the university in the details of the graduates’ register to verify the certificates, which is exclusively owned by it for protection and control, confirming that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research officially denied its connection to the verification operations carried out by the company during the period referred to.
The Secretariat asked institutions and entities wishing to employ graduates to contact it directly to verify the certificates by obtaining an official letter bearing the seal and signature of the Secretariat Secretary, revealing that it had contacted DataFlow and had not received a response. Accordingly, the university reserves its legal right regarding any violations of the agreement signed between them to protect the university’s academic reputation and its graduates and their academic qualifications.