Resolving the crisis of dialysis centers in the Nile River State

Khartoum – Sudan Events
The acting Governor of the Nile River, Muhammad Al-Badawi Abu Qarun, announced the arrival of (1,000) dialysis rounds for kidney patients, while he revealed arrangements with the federal authorities to provide 6,000 dialysis rounds, including the biggest share for the state, in recognition of the increasing number of patients coming from Khartoum and other states.
When he chaired the meeting on addressing the issues of dialysis centers (Sunday) “We bear full responsibility for operating the centers and providing the needs,” Abu Qarun said. Noting that 30 billion pounds had been allocated to provide for their special needs and cover the gap.
He directed the development of an integrated plan and comprehensive statistics for the number of patients.
The state’s Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Wahab, announced the relief starting today, “and there will be no gap in washing.” He added.