Political Forces in Cairo Meet African Union and IGAD

Sudan Events – Cairo
Cairo hosted a consultative meeting (Monday) between the African Union, IGAD, and the political and civil forces, as part of the efforts made by the parties to pave the way and prepare for the launch of the political process, end the war, and address its effects in Sudan.
The meeting addressed the mistakes that accompanied the tripartite and quadripartite initiative and its failure, and the participants stressed the need to form an umbrella mechanism that includes regional and international partners, the African Union, IGAD, the League of Arab States, and the United Nations, to lead efforts to settle the political crisis and end the war to close the door to any external interference in Sudanese affairs.
The meeting secured principles that constitute a basis for dialogue between all Sudanese parties, represented by the meeting’s affirmation that the correct approach to resolving the crisis begins with a ceasefire, with a full commitment to implementing the parties’ obligations in accordance with what was signed at the Jeddah platform, and working to deliver humanitarian aid as a basic step preceding the political process and stressing that the dialogue be comprehensive without excluding or isolating anyone. It also secured that the dialogue be Sudanese-Sudanese without interference from any external parties, with an agreed-upon national committee assuming the duties of managing the dialogue, and the need for the parties to agree on the location of the dialogue.
The participants also stressed the importance of organizing consultative workshops for political and civil parties to formulate their vision on the issues. The meeting was attended by the Democratic Bloc, the National Movement Forces, the National Consensus, the National Declaration, the Coordination of Return to the Founding Platform, the Revolutionary Front, in addition to the Civil Administration, civil society and women’s study centres.