Cultivation of More than 7.540 Million Feddans in Gedaref

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Director General of the Mechanized Agriculture Authority, Gedaref State, Eng.Abdul Hamid Ahmed Awad, revealed the cultivation of more than 7 million and 540 thousand acres, and told (Sudan Events ) that this area was planted with sesame crops, corn, cotton, millet, sun flower, peanuts, soybeans, snacks, pointing out that the area of corn amounted to about 5 thousand and 630 acres, while the area of the sesame crop amounted to more than 9 thousand and 882 acres, while the area of millet was about 5 thousand and 853 acres, and amounted to the area of cotton is more than 11 thousand acres, the area of the sun flower crop is more than 5 thousand acres, the area of peanuts is 11 thousand and 500 acres, and the area of soybeans is 7 thousand and 300 acres.
Abdul Hamid revealed the trend of mechanized agriculture for the cultivation of an area of 4,000 acres of seeds, so that improved seeds are available to farms that contribute to raising productivity.