Sudanese gold companies move to Dubai

Sudan Events – Nahed Oshi
More than ten gold trading companies moved their business to Dubai due to the war that broke out in Sudan in mid-April and to avoid the looting that spread, especially in central Khartoum in the (Amarat Al-Dhahab) area.
Magdy Al-Mansouri, owner of Al-Mansouri stores, pointed out that gold merchants were affected by the repercussions of the war and the cessation of buying and selling in the capital, Khartoum.
Meanwhile, a member of the Gold Exporters Division, Abdel Moneim Siddiq, revealed in a statement to (Sudan Events) that the gold selling building (Amarat Al-Dhahab) was damaged, as the saves (in all shops and offices) were looted and tons of gold were lost, which led to a number of merchants disappearing from the field for fear of threats and targeting, as gold is a source of greed and theft.
He said that most of the merchants had become poorer and described the current situation as catastrophic.
He added that the state now imposes taxes and fees, which does not solve the problem. Rather, the matter needs to be addressed, as all Sudanese gold is smuggled to neighboring countries intensively, while hundreds (of kilos) are smuggled daily, which increased after the war.
Abdel Moneim said that the war revealed the weakness of the safety procedures in the gold building, which requires strict guarding. He added that after the end of the war, we need to reformulate a new system, and we must get rid of the negatives, mistakes, and naiveness.