Egypt to Finance Wadi Halfa Port Rehabilitation

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi
Engineer Mohammed Alloush, project manager of Al-Rowad Modern Engineering Company, announced the resumption of work on rehabilitating the berths of the Wadi Halfa river port in the northern state, noting that the berth is 400 meters long, of which an area of 200 meters includes services for operating and receiving 6 river units from a tanker at one time.
Work is underway on backfilling, drying the perimeter of the dock, and installing concrete pours, indicating that the final stage includes the work of rubber fenders, cleats, and general lighting for the dock, stressing that the work will continue until July 2024, noting that the port will continue to receive the transport units on non-stop basis without any impact on the dock rehabilitation work, indicating the cooperation of the port administration, the Nile Valley River Navigation Authority and the people of Wadi Halfa in facilitating material clearance services in order to speed up the pace of work.
Meanwhile, Mohammed Jamal Dhawi, Director of Wadi Halfa Port, confirmed the resumption of work on rehabilitating the Halfa Port dock after the company stopped due to the repercussions of the war last April. He confirmed that import and export traffic between Halfa Port and the High Dam would flow without stopping, indicating that about 15 and 20 cargo transport units arrive at Halfa Port every month.
There is complete cooperation and coordination with Al-Rowad Company, which is working on rehabilitating the port.
It is noteworthy that the project to rehabilitate the docks of Halfa Port is funded by the Egyptian side for the benefit of the Sudanese Ministry of Transport.