RSF Chief Negotiator Resigns

Sudan Events/ Follow-ups
Fares Al-Nour, advisor to the commander of the Rapid Support Militia and its Chief negotiator in the Jeddah platform, has announced his resignation from his position, and arguing it was spurred by his desire to work for stopping the war in Sudan.
The name of Faris Al-Nour, who was known as an activist in volunteer work through the (Mujaddidun) organization, emerged with the outbreak of the armed conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Militia in the mid of past April, as he showed up on various platforms supporting the militia and its movements as an advisor to its commander, Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), and later became The militia’s chief negotiator in the Jeddah platform sponsored by the United States of America and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Al-Nour said in a post on his social media page today (Sunday), that the high cost of this war fell on the ordinary citizen, so the only, important and urgent priority is to stop the war.
He stressed the need to form a public opinion that would put pressure in this direction, and said: In order to be unbiased in supporting this priority, I submit my resignation. To support efforts to stop the war.
Al-Nour said that the Rapid Support delegation negotiating at the Jeddah platform was working to reach an agreement that would immediately silence the guns, to be followed by the launching of political dialogue between the Sudanese for a comprehensive solution and the formation of a civilian government, in addition to working for establishing establish a single national professional army that would protect the constitution and preserve the homeland
He accused the army of obstructing the negotiations, and said that the army lack the capabilities for fighting a war and has no will for peace. He pointed out that agreement was reached in 99% of the draft agreement to stop hostilities in the last round of negotiation, and that the mediation began to arrange for signing, but the army backed down in a way that was surprising even for mediation
Al-Nour confirmed that he had made efforts to alleviate the burden of the war since the first days of the conflict, and contributed to the release of a number of detainees and provided financial support from philanthropists to hundreds of families displaced by the war.