Then What Follows Repeated International Condemnations against Dagalo Clan Militia??

By Osman Jalal
According to the report of the Committee of International Independent Experts, which stated that the Dagalo Clan terrorist militia (RSF) committed crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing against the Masalit people in West Darfur state, and the international report coincided with the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) moves to collect information from witnesses about militia’s crimes in El Geneina and Ardemta in order to bring criminal charges against the militia leaders, terrorism will inevitably associated with rebel leader, Hemedti. This was preceded by the CIA report that it submitted to President Joe Biden, in which it revealed that the United Arab Emirates {UAE} was supplying the militia with weapons, capitals, logistics, and mercenaries, which is considered a violation of Security Council Resolution No. 1591 in 2005 weapons ban in Darfur. The report explained the local and regional risks and the international consequences of the transfer of power in Sudan to the Dagalo Gang.
But before these international movements were translated into actions and criminal arrest warrants against the militia leaders, the UAE rushed through political slaving and bribes in the IGAD organization and some African leaders to market Hemedti the criminal in Africa so as to pressurize Lieutenant General Al-Burhan to conclude a political deal that would recycle the Dagalo Clan and Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) the Central Council, back to power in new bottles, but too late. The ball is now in the field of the poplar armed resistance under the command of the Sudanese army, which will achieve victory in the field of military conflict and will create a sustainable democratic model that monopolizes legal violence in the hands of the unified and professional military establishment. The lesson of historical experience tells us that the will of peoples is invincible.
But once again, what are the local, regional and international impacts of the Dagalo Clan militia’s control over the Sudanese state??
As you know, the rebel Hemedti has once declared to his allies in FFC- the central Council, that it was not possible for him to control his criminal gangs, which include a mixture of Arab diaspora mercenaries arriving from abroad, the Kassaba and Umm Bagha gangs, and the tough thieves and criminals. Therefore, if Sudan’s rule is established by this criminal gang that is contradictory in its interests and discordant in its composition, this means a non-statehood rule, all fighting all, and the disintegration of Sudan into warring mini-states on ethnic basis, will be the norm.
The Dagalo Clan project carries in its genes the same Nazi nationalist ideas that fueled identity tendencies in Europe, and led to the ignition of the Second World War with all its tragedies and disgraces on humanity, nature, and the economy. Therefore, if this Clan was able to control Sudan, the Nazi Hemedti would tempt to spread the model of the Attawa ethnic group to West African countries, especially Chad, Niger and Central Africa, which will lead to the ignition of ethnic and nationalistic wars in these countries which are politically, economically and ethnically fragile, and the shame of genocide will return to African memory.
The waves of illegal immigrations from West and East Africa to the Middle East, crossing the Mediterranean to Europe, will also increase.
A state of creative chaos will also prevail in the Horn of Africa region, which will lead to disturbances in the global trade movement passing through this strategic region, which constitutes 20% of international economic activity, in light of a state of contraction and stagnation affecting the international economy and a food gap due to the Russian-Ukrainian war.
The most dangerous scenario for the Dagalo Clan to control power in Sudan is that the state of creative chaos in Sudan and the African countries, to which identity and ethnic conflicts and wars will spread, will lead to the creation of failed states that constitute attractive and incubating environments for terrorist organizations such as Boko Haram, ISIS, and the Somali Al-Shabaab movement, which means a threat to commercial security in the areas of the Red Sea, the Bab Al–Mandab Strait, and the Horn of Africa.
And the threat to peace and security in Egypt, Libya, the Arab Gulf countries, and the Almaghrib Al-Arabi countries and then terrorist activity crosses into Europe. If that is so, what is the role of the regional and international community in aborting the evil and criminal project of the Daglo Clan??
According to the concept of the theory of collective security in international relations, upon which was the foundation and the basis of the United Nations and regional organizations are set, these disastrous outcomes confirm that the kidnapping of power by Daglo militia in Sudan represents the most serious existential threat to the Sudanese state since independence in January 1956, and also represents a strategic threat to regional and international peace and security.
Removing this strategic threat requires the regional and international community to classify the Dagalo Clan militia as a terrorist organization, and then pressure must be exerted on the United Arab Emirates to stop the flows of mercenaries, weapons, money and logistics for the terrorist militia, and to intensify financial, military and logistical support for the Sudanese army to enable it to eradicate the terrorist militia from its very roots.
Wednesday/January 24, 2024