
Unidentified Parties Buy Dollars in Large Quantities

Unidentified Parties Buy Dollars in Large Quantities

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah The price of the dollar in the parallel market in Sudan witnessed a new rise.…
Promises from Sudanese Government to Support Businessmen

Promises from Sudanese Government to Support Businessmen

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah The Sudanese government pledged to support the private sector by removing all obstacles facing Sudanese…
New Warnings About the Dangers of Renaissance Dam 

New Warnings About the Dangers of Renaissance Dam 

Sudan Events – Exclusive – Rehab Abdullah Ahmed Al-Mufti, a resigned member of the International Committee for the Ethiopian Renaissance…
Areas in Al-Gezira Scheme out of Production

Areas in Al-Gezira Scheme out of Production

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah Farmers in Gezira Scheme revealed in a memorandum submitted to the Governor of Gezira Scheme,…
Increase in Fees for Gedarif Crop Markets

Increase in Fees for Gedarif Crop Markets

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah The Gedarif Crop Markets Administration revealed a new increase in the prices of market services,…
Ukraine Ratifies to Support Sudan with 32,000 tons of Wheat

Ukraine Ratifies to Support Sudan with 32,000 tons of Wheat

Sudan Events- Talal Mudathir Ukrainian ministry of agriculture said in statement issued today Thursday followed the meeting between Ukrainian deputy…
Unprecedented Collapse of Sudanese Pound

Unprecedented Collapse of Sudanese Pound

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah Sudan Events follow-ups revealed an unprecedented collapse in the exchange rate of the Sudanese pound…
Increase in Banking Transaction Fees Through “Bankak”

Increase in Banking Transaction Fees Through “Bankak”

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah The Bank of Khartoum announced the implementation of a new banking tariff starting today. It…
National Exports Chamber Discloses Sudan Exports Volume in September (Exclusive)

National Exports Chamber Discloses Sudan Exports Volume in September (Exclusive)

Sudan Events – Exculsive -Rehab Abdullah National chamber for exports at Sudanese Commercial Chambers Union disclosed that Sudan has realised…
(160-180) pounds, the price of sesame seeds in Sudan

(160-180) pounds, the price of sesame seeds in Sudan

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah Large quantities of the sesame crop arrived early this season in the markets of Gedaref…
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