Minister: securing oil production fields a must

Sudan Events Riahab Abdallah
The Sudanese minister for Energy and petroleum Mohi-Eddin Naeem Saad has underlined the need to fully protect and secure the oil production fields and to ensure the sustainability of dividends for the local communities and he social services provided in the oil production areas. He commended the role played by the native administration in the sustainability of the production process.
The Minister on Wednesday received the governor of West Kordufan state Mutasim Abdul Salam who underlined on his part the vital role of the youth in protection of the oil fields in coordination with their native administration a matter that reflected positively on the stability of the work in the oil production fields and the resumption of the work as well as the sustainability of the services provided for the local communities there.
The production director general at the ministry el Tahir Abu al Hassan has underlined the importance of coordination to ensure full protection for the companies and at the same time preserving the oil installations. He said the production companies are always committed to provision of services such as water health and that increasing production would reflect on increasing the services provided for the local communities there.