UNITAMIS… A strange Country…

Ali Askouri
November 28, 2023
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, then the release of South African leader Nelson Mandela from prison in February 1990, then Portugal handed over to China a peninsula or archipelago (Macau) after more than 400 years of colonialism after turning it into a gambling and sex capital comparable to Las Vegas, the phenomenon of direct colonialism ended. Subjugating peoples’ lands by force majeure to other peoples or empires that have no relationship to the original owners of the country.
America then reverted turn and invaded Afghanistan after the events of September 2001, and followed that by invading Iraq in 2003, but in both cases it was forced out due to the national resistance.
America’s experience in the two countries confirmed what has been confirmed over the decades, which is that peoples will not accept direct colonialism under all circumstances and that the invader will pay a high cost and will not be happy with his conquest, as was the case since the Portuguese explorations in the 16th century until the middle of the 20th century.
With the end of the era of direct invasion, the mind of imperialism arose for a new way to colonize and exploit peoples, which is to use or exploit the United Nations as a tool to recolonize peoples through what was termed peacekeeping missions. This is, in essence, neo-colonialism wrapped in cardboard with the words “preserving peace and assisting in the democratic transition” written on the outside, or with a similar name as the case may be, but the basic goal of domination and control remains constant.
Do you think it was a coincidence that (with emphasis on the F) the (Department of Peacekeeping Operations) at the United Nations was raised to a stand-alone agency in 1992 reporting to the Secretary-General (see the dates for the end of the era of direct colonialism above)?
The United Nations now has 12 peacekeeping missions around the world, six of which are in Africa alone. These missions provide about eighty thousand jobs with leaders and employees, most of whom are European or American, with a large number of Africans, Asians, and Latins, but command and control remain with the people concerned.
In the name of peace and democratic transformation, it sets the agenda and programs for the countries in which the mission is located, and that agenda often conflicts with the priorities of those countries, as their cultures, legacies, interactions, and societal interactions are almost completely ignored.
Representatives of neo-colonialism work on behalf of the United Nations missions from behind the scenes of individuals or (national) groups to implement their agenda and will on their people.
Although imperialism had won the battle for the economic subjugation of poor peoples by installing an unjust economic system that worked to their advantage, the stage of cultural suppression, and what is known as assimilation, it faces many challenges that are difficult to overcome.
Colonial France had great experience in its former colonies in Africa with the process of cultural assimilation to impose its culture and language on the peoples it colonized, but it only succeeded in imposing its language and failed in erasing the faith or cultural heritage of those peoples. It has been difficult for even anthropologists to understand why (despite oppression) the peoples of the colonies accepted the language and rejected the rest of the components of Frenchness, despite the severe oppression that accompanied the process of cultural assimilation.
Today, imperialism and its agents return with a mixture of laws and concepts (homosexuality, for example), to legislate it and impose it on peoples whose faith, cultural heritage, and social value controls reject it. We have seen how Hamdok’s government paid attention to these critical issues and gave them priority over the rest of the nation’s issues, such as poverty, hunger, health, and education. Of course, this was a miserable attempt to impose new values and behavioral patterns on societies whose beliefs, social systems, and value concepts reject those behavioral phenomena, which are imposed even in their countries by force of law and not by societal acceptance and consent.
As usual in implementing its plans to control, the imperialist Hamdouk came as Prime Minister as an interface to have its plan implemented to control and guardianship on our country.
Some writers who say that Hamdouk did not have a program for governance are wrong! These people forget that Hamdouk came based on his willingness to implement a pre-prepared foreign program for which hundreds of experts and specialists from all over the world were assigned (and they did it well).
In fact, the program was prepared in advance and ready for implementation. Its tool was UNITAMS and its interface was Hamdouk…! Hamdouk was only a channel and a local face through which external agenda were passed, and he and the Central Bank group were happy to play the role of surrogate mother – (The mother who rents her womb) – for imperialism and its tools, UNITAMS.
Look at how Hamdouk took advantage of his position as Prime Minister (unelected), bypassing his powers, to address the United Nations and without consulting the Council of Ministers or the Sovereign Council, to request the sending of the UNTAMS mission. Neither the Sovereignty Council nor the Council of Ministers discovered the Prime Minister’s request to the United Nations until after the request reached the Secretary-General. Then, members of the Sovereign Council and some members of the Council of Ministers scrambled to make fundamental changes to the request, as it amounted to a complete colonization of the country, according to what I learned from those who reviewed the request.
I still say and demand that the principle of transparency and frankness with the people requires the Sudanese mission to the United Nations and the Cabinet Secretariat to publish the request that Abdullah Hamdouk submitted alone to the United Nations before changing him, so that people know the extent of the conspiracy and the role that Hamdouk played and continues to play. According to what I learned from one of the former members of the Sovereign Council, the request sent by Hamdouk (is a scandal and a disaster, and no one imagines that anyone would dare to submit such a request, which turned the country into a colony in the truest sense of the word.)
And to complete the plot chapters; Hamdouk alone chose Mr. Volker Perthes to lead the mission, and just as submitting the request alone was outside his powers, choosing the head of the mission was also outside his powers, and he had to consult with the two councils to choose the head of the mission, but because the conspiracy would not have succeeded in the presence of someone other than Volker, Hamdouk took advantage of his position and chose Volker without Consultation with both councils.
While Hamdouk succeeded in subjugating a number of members of the Council of Ministers and a number of leaders of the Central Council by buying their loyalty by providing grants as financial allocations to them from the European Union, he faced extreme difficulties in winning over the military component, and his relationship with them remained tense and was even characterized by mistrust, which is a very dangerous matter if it happens in the leadership of the highest state agencies.
For all of this, Mr. Volker did not care much about a number of members of the Council of Ministers or the leaders of the Central Council because he knew in advance that they were “burping” his money and the money of the European Union. Therefore, his attempts focused on the military component to tame it and bring it into obedience by forcing it to accept the dismantling of the army under the name of re-restructuring the armed forces, in addition to repeatedly accusing it of killing demonstrators and raising that in his reports to the Security Council to put more pressure on them.
The plan was clear, then: to recolonize Sudan through a UN mission that would manage the strings of the game and implement its plan through a puppet prime minister and a group of naive, bribed people who sold their countries for a handful of dollars, ready to carry out the orders they were told. The Sudanese undoubtedly saw how they stood and applauded their Governor-General Volker as he addressed them in the Friendship Hall…! This was shocking behavior and provoked national sentiment! Then what followed were the scandalous conspiracies they called (workshops) in which they openly discussed how to dismantle the army with a group of foreigners. This is a precedent that has never happened in the history of mankind!
Of course, all the country’s institutions need reform, including the army, but the task of reforming the army alone is at the heart of the work of an elected government that has a mandate from the people, not a group of puppet activists who implement the foreign agenda and obey its command. One of the embassy agents argued to me that the restructuring of the army was stipulated in the Juba Peace Agreement, and if that was mentioned in the agreement, it must be scrapped immediately, as a number of movements do not have the right to impose their visions on the Sudanese people and their most important national institutions, and it is not reasonable for it to be left to the movements or a group of activists is interfering with the country’s most important security institutions, and no one will accept that. Movements have only the right to talk about integrating their forces into the army, but rebuilding and restructuring the army is at the core of the work of the elected government and has a clear mandate from the citizens.
It was clear from the statements of Volker and clique that the mission is in fact an authority above the Sudanese state, and that its president is acting as the governor-general of the country of Sudan, in complete disrespect and violation of the sovereignty of our country, which is absolutely not permitted!
The Sovereign Council had to dismiss Hamdouk immediately after his request to the UN mission was exposed because he acted outside his powers and committed an act that robbed our country of its independence and sovereignty. For reasons that I still do not know, the Council hesitated to dismiss him, and that was the biggest mistake of the Sovereign Council in its first formation, even if we did not count on the civilian component in the Council to dismiss the Prime Minister due to their naivety and lack of experience, we do not find an excuse for the military component in this matter, as the man’s crime was greater than any justification.
I do not want to talk about myself, but I, along with others, including Nazir Turk and Mubarak Erdoul, continued to incite the leaders against Volcker and urge them to expel him and not to receive him in their offices. In the end, I confronted him in a memorable meeting at the Ramadan Iftar 2022 at the Rotana Hotel in front of a crowd of leaders of political forces and organizations and demanded him to respect the sovereignty of our country, and by speaking politely in his press statements out of respect for the Sudanese people, especially since we, as Africans, have a bitter history with the Europeans. I, like everyone else, knew that Volker was the link between the knot or the midpoint of the international conspiracy against our country. If he was expelled, the conspiracy would collapse and its particles and components would disperse part by part.
People can only praise the demonstrations and protests organized by Islamists and other national forces against the UN mission, which demonstrated their advanced political awareness and understanding of the colonial nature of the mission, and that reforming our country and defending its sovereignty begins with expelling it, not implementing its malicious agenda.
Sudan is the third African country after Ethiopia and Libya to gain its independence from the colonialists, if we exclude Liberia, South Africa and Egypt to various historical issues. Successive Sudanese governments, whether civilian or military, contributed to supporting the liberation movements on the African continent until the colonial strongholds in South Africa fell in 1990. This is a remarkable history that cannot be denied. Rather, when the Europeans were extending their control over the African continent in the 19th century, Sudan was an independent state during the Mahdist state (1885-1898), regardless of the nature of that state. Therefore, belittling and disdain for the national consciousness of our people is a provocative matter that only an ignorant person who does not know our history would do. Whoever planned and brought that mission with the intention of provoking our people and undermining their national dignity by imposing guardianship over them, or even colonizing them again.
Hamdouk and his group of agents ignored glaring historical facts, which are that the Sudanese may disagree about everything, but they do not disagree about the independence and sovereignty of their country, and anyone who tries to harm or undermine the country’s sovereignty he will be sent to the dustbin.
The efforts of many nationalist people have joined forces to put pressure to end the mission of the UNITAMS colonial mission, and these efforts were crowned with the request submitted by the Sudan Mission to the United Nations to the Secretary-General to end the mission’s mandate in the country. For history, the mission has made a wonderful effort as it struggles, communicates, and works with great energy amidst many professional lobbies in the corridors of international politics. It has succeeded in expressing the will of the nation and embodying its desire to protect the sovereignty of our country against modern colonialism and its warlike methods. It is a big mistake to underestimate the effort made by the mission to achieve this overwhelming popular desire. Congratulations to them and to everyone who said a word or protested to reject neo-colonialism.
This is the case. I was not surprised at all that Hamdouk would address the United Nations again for the purpose of renewing the mission. Hamdouk knows better than anyone else that without the mission all dreams of modern colonialism will fall down and the imperialist project in Sudan that he is implementing with a group of Central Council activists will fall, but no way!!
This land belongs to us.