Re-colonization of Sudan

Al-Obaid Ahmed Marwah
The on-the-spot description that can express what has been happening in Sudan for about five years is to say that there are “repeated attempts to subjugate the national will to foreign powers,” which in previous centuries was called “colonialism.” These attempts have taken several forms, the latest feature of which is the war that our country is experiencing now.
The war is now entering its 9th month, and some of its features that were ambiguous appear to be become clearer, particularly since material evidence has been documented of the parties providing military and logistical support to the rebels, as well as the parties that support the rebellion politically, whether from internal forces or external forces that were claiming to support a democratic transformation in Sudan after the change that occurred in April 2019.
Sudan, with its current geographical borders – including the Republic of South Sudan – is considered a newly formed state that is not more than two centuries old. During its short life, it was subjected to direct foreign invasion twice and was colonized for more than a century plus two decades.
The first time was in the year 1820 when Mohammed Ali Pasha, the ruler of Egypt for the Ottoman Empire, decided to undertake a military campaign to annex Sudan to his areas of influence. His most prominent motives behind this was the search for gold and fighters for his army, as stated in history books, as it is known about the land Sudan has long been rich in gold, which is available close to the surface of the earth, and rich in men who can be recruited as strong fighters.
The second time, the invasion was carried out by Britain, with the cover of the Khedive of Egypt, and was to avenge the killing of Gordon Pasha and eliminate the newly formed Mahdist state. It was proven that it – the Mahdist – was thinking of extending its influence beyond the borders of Sudan, and what was known as condominium rule lasted for about 56 years, during which Britain employed the lands and waters of Sudan to grow and provide cotton to textile factories in Lancashire, and it worked hard to train an elite group of the country’s people to make them follow its example in ruling their country and to have a spiritual connection to it, even after its men returned to their “island!!”
The English, French, Germans, Americans, and Israelis are acutely aware of the enormous potential of wealth that Sudan harbors, whether above ground or underground. They also realize that if the people of Sudan become able to exploit their wealth and exploit the bounties of their land, under rational rule, Sudan will have a great influence in its regional environment, whether African or Arab, which is what they fear. Therefore, they worked with everything they could to create various types of strife among the components of the Sudanese people, and to create political instability that has accompanied the regimes that have succeeded it since it gained its independence, and they have achieved undeniable successes in that!!
Sudan was not far from plans to redraw maps of the region, a century after the maps drawn by Sykes and Picot (Britain and France), nor from the Israeli-Western vision of the new Middle East. Rather, what is true is that it was at its core, and in this context came the economic sanctions by the American against Ingaz Regime, which lasted for more than a quarter of a century, and the secession of South Sudan, and attempts to strangle and subject the rest of the country to external will continued.
So what was called the “December Revolution” came with its multiple and contradictory missions, the most prominent of which was the UN mission “UNITAMS”, through which the planners tried to extend hegemony by restructuring the country’s political, economic and social conditions. When all these plans failed, they decided to implement the plan to subjugate Sudan and restructure it, through coercive forces and armed action, so the war of April 2023 occurred!!
Whoever still believes that the war that our country is experiencing now is an internal matter related to political ambitions or historical grievances, and who has not yet been able to distinguish foreign influence in it, must revise his calculations, as he is either being led to a destination he does not know or is part of the tools for implementing the plot itself.
The situation is thus, and the Sudanese – rulers and ruled – must unite their alignment and coordinate their efforts to liberate their country from one end to the other from neo-colonialism and its consequences, and they must agree, without external interference, to shape the future of their country so that it becomes truly free, independent, and emerging, of which all its people feel proud of it …. Reference is to those who have never thought of its betrayal.