Faience: A historic Fiction: Book Review

Khartoum – Sudan Events
Faience is a historical fiction and a light drama that will take you to ancient Nubia.
This story is set in the Kingdom of Kerma (referred to as Irem in the past) around the year 1500 BC, that is towards the end of Kerma’s classical phase and the beginning of its final phase.
I promise you a trip so stunning and unique to your reading experience.
I hope that through this, you are able to walk on the streets where the Iremans walked, and feel the air that they had felt.
The story is told through the main character, that is Aro, a young woman of the nobles of Irem. You will get to see the nation and its people in the eyes of that young woman, and follow her as she grows and wakes up to the realities of the world around her as things fall into unexpected routes.
I want you to forget all that you know and give your mind the permission to roam the minds of the people of the past, particularly the people of Irem.
This is a story of a glowing stone, sky blue in color. It is a story of the power of purpose, love, sacrifice and serving.