Armed Movement: Hamdouk’s Agreement with Al-Hilu and Abdul Wahed is Indication of his Confusion

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim
The Assistant to the President for Political Affairs of the Sudan Liberation Army Movement (Leadership Council), Osama Mukhtar Omar Makhtoum, has expressed his astonishment at the movement of former Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdouk with European diplomatic missions and his movement to the United Nations with a group of members of his dissolved government, considering that they are a legitimate government, as they claim.
Makhtoum told (Sudan Events) that Hamdouk’s agreement with Al-Hilu and Abdul Wahed Al-Nour in his personal capacity indicates his confusion and loss of compass. He added, “Hamdouk is looking for a peg to give him a new life by getting closer to Al-Hilu and Abdul Wahed,” stressing that his personal characteristic is not considered.