A Reading into the Post-Geneva Scenarios

Osman Jalal
The Zionist-American and British alliance and their agents, are the ones who decided to wage war against Sudan through their political and military functional tools, the Progress Alliance and the international mercenary Hemeti. The commonalities between this alliance include aborting the national democratic project, dismantling the Sudanese army and merging it into the Daglo militia, and then building an authoritarian regime disguised in civilian and democratic attire led by the Progress Alliance and the terrorist Daglo family. The strategic goal of this alliance is to keep Sudan in a state of dependency and to plunder its natural, water, agricultural, and mineral resources.
When the evil alliance failed to push through its plan via the war of April 15, 2023, and realized that the will of the people and the Sudanese army would prevail on the battlefield and in forging a model of comprehensive national renaissance based on the valleys of sustainable democracy, it resorted to the cunning tactic of negotiation in Geneva to implement the same malignant agenda: the military and political reproduction of the Daglo militia and empowering the Progress Alliance to manage the transitional phase, setting the political and legal stage for rigged elections funded by the UAE to legitimize the rule of the Progress Alliance/Daglo family—a situation aptly described by our professor, Prof. Abdullah Ali Ibrahim.
So, what are the tools of this evil alliance to enforce its plan after the Sudanese government refused to participate in the Geneva negotiations trap? Certainly, there will be no international intervention under Chapter VII because the Russian and Chinese vetoes are on the lookout. The United States will not engage in a direct military adventure against Sudan, remembering the disastrous results of interventions in Somalia and Afghanistan. If so, what are the alternative plans of this alliance? In my opinion, there is one scenario but with multiple tactics: the continued support of the evil Emirate state for the criminal militia with money, weapons, and mercenaries, and intensifying military operations, but this tactic will not lead to strategic breakthroughs in the course of the battle. Therefore, I expect this alliance to push neighboring countries, especially Ethiopia, Chad, and South Sudan, and any state susceptible to bribery and extortion to intervene militarily to support the Daglo militia, or to legalize military intervention through the African Union. The ultimate goal is to defeat the army and the people and to enable new czars to rule Sudan. It is an old American policy in new and old bottles, as Winston Churchill once said, “The Americans will always do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”
What is our duty as people and government after the decision of dignity not to participate in the Geneva negotiations? The Sudanese people must realize that this battle targets their existence, identity, honor, and their duty to fight shoulder to shoulder with the army until the saying “one army, one people” becomes a reality on the battlefield. The government’s duty is to immediately begin training and arming all the Sudanese people, from Kalashnikovs to tanks, and to push strong leaders from the highest functional pyramid in the state to the lowest. Leaders who will stir the Sudanese society in homes, markets, schools, universities, mosques, khalwas, public squares, and in the diaspora, as there is a state of disconnection between the leadership and the community base while the essence of existential battles is the emotional, behavioral, and shared destiny unity between the leadership and the community, O carrier of the mountain, and the meaning is clear.
Also, it is the government’s duty to continue pursuing the Emirate state before the UN Security Council, to start prosecuting the militia leaders and Progress in front of the national judiciary, and to expedite the signing of military, naval, and economic cooperation agreements with Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, and Qatar.
The Sudanese people are confronting a regional and international conspiracy aimed at eradicating them from the land and replacing them with Arabs of the diaspora. Therefore, it is the duty of the government and the people to activate the roles of official and popular diplomacy (Sudanese diasporas in exile) to enlighten the peoples and free institutions, especially in Europe and America, about the crimes of the terrorist Daglo militia against the Sudanese people and state and to expose the Western political elites before their free peoples. There is a state of moral collapse among the Western political elites, and a disconnect between the Western peoples and the Machiavellian ruling elites, and in this gap, the genius of Sudanese official and popular diplomacy is revealed.
Undoubtedly, the will of the people and the Sudanese army will prevail in the battle for national honor.