Where Did They Go?!

By Ali Askouri
African Union, IGAD, Geneva meetings, UN envoy, Paris meetings, Hamdok and his routine statements, alarming famine reports, the “greatest humanitarian crisis in history,” Progress leaders’ meetings, endless seminars and conferences of the Progress group in Addis Ababa, UAE officials’ movements, and all the uproar that never ceased since the war on Sudan began… Where did they go?!
News bulletins were once filled with these conspiracies, orchestrated in a well-coordinated role-playing game. Where did they go? Has the Sudanese people found relief? Have the displaced returned home? Has Hamdok died? Or did the “Progress” wedding end before the gathering was complete? Where did they go?!
As the saying goes, “When the actor disappears, the actions cease.” Or, as the Roman poet Titus Lucretius said: “Nothing comes from nothing!”
Since the outbreak of war, I have repeatedly stated that this war was engineered by the Biden administration, which controls and manipulates its strings. The UAE is merely an officially designated agent tasked with funding the war and other necessary activities, including secretarial work and media operations, in addition to recruiting local midwives for the so-called “State of Atawa”—from Hamdok to the grand overseer, Tabeq!
The Geneva meetings, which President Burhan refused to attend, were Biden’s last attempt to push through its sinister agenda—to secure a seat in power for the militia and its allies within the “Progress” group.
We all remember the intense pressure exerted by “Progress” and its short-sighted followers, who desperately tried to force the army into attending these dubious meetings. But they were caught off guard when Burhan refused to go or send a delegation. That uproar and drum-beating were not in vain; they knew it was their last chance to secure an undeserved victory for their criminal militias and their ever-eager midwives—who had grown impatient after waiting too long. As the saying goes, “The birth pangs tighten when the baby is overdue!”
We recall how envoy Perilloux, after all his grandstanding and preconditions for visiting Port Sudan, ultimately arrived humbled and broken, swallowing his demands and losing face before returning home in disgrace.
Now, after Biden’s administration has expired, and the countless meetings and activities have vanished—along with the once-deafening claims of famine engulfing the entire Sudanese population—does anyone still doubt that the Biden administration was behind every puppet on the stage, from organizations to individuals?
We have always said that the UAE cannot wreak havoc without the green light from the “Big Brother.” The UAE lacks an army capable of strategic planning, let alone waging war. This is not an attempt to absolve it but rather to illustrate that it committed all these crimes in Sudan under the direction of the Biden administration. The UAE’s biggest crime is allowing itself to be the front for this aggression, funding the bloodshed of innocent Sudanese, and hiring mercenaries to carry out atrocities—all in pursuit of Biden’s agenda. This betrayal is a stark contrast to its past relations of cooperation and friendship with Sudan.
A vast network of organizations and officials in key UN positions participated in covering up this invasion. They relentlessly spoke about famine, an “unprecedented humanitarian crisis,” and a looming catastrophe. Yet, they have all suddenly disappeared—along with their statements. Where did they go?!
I wish an investigative journalist would compile a list of UN, EU, AU, and IGAD officials who made those shocking famine claims so that we could trace the full extent of this conspiracy and understand the level of coordination between international bodies and Biden’s administration. It would reveal how the U.S. manipulated these organizations and prepared its local midwives, waiting eagerly for the birth of the “State of Atawa”—only to be left in shock when the mother died before delivering the child!
The so-called midwives have now packed up their towels, napkins, and disinfectants and left, empty-handed! Their anticipated newborn did not survive, despite the efforts of the world’s most skilled surgeons. Where did they go?!
What is most disappointing is that Sudanese journalists and writers have focused solely on the army’s daily operations while neglecting the larger external conspiracy—the onslaught of nations and organizations against our country. There is an urgent need to connect the dots and uncover who did what. By linking different statements, we can expose the roles played by organizations, individuals, and officials, and thus measure the true scale of the conspiracy.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist bloc at the end of the 20th century, the West revived its old hallucinations of recolonizing nations. They know that their global dominance depends entirely on their ability to plunder weaker nations, especially in Africa.
The relationship between the West and developing nations is inverse—the more these nations gain independence and control over their resources, the more Western powers decline. Their economies crumble when they cannot exploit others. Karl Marx once said:
“Capitalism thrives on war. If they cannot find a war, they will create one.”
And that is precisely what they did in Sudan.
However, Western colonial dreams faced a major obstacle—the rising awareness of the nations they sought to subjugate. To counter this, their imperialist genius devised a new strategy: the use of “national fronts”—local collaborators to deceive and betray their own people.
In our case, that “national front” was “Progress.” They tested this model in Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, and other nations. Each time their armies intervened directly, they faced disastrous defeats.
Realizing that deploying their own troops exposed their true agenda and discredited their puppet governments, they refined their strategy: using local armies as proxies, reinforced by foreign mercenaries.
Meanwhile, they would wage war through other means: media, organizations, statements, and exaggerated humanitarian crises—hoping these could justify intervention under the guise of “saving” rather than invading.
This is the latest trick of Western capitalism to re-colonize and exploit nations—rebranding imperialism under “national midwives” in hopes that the people won’t see through the deception.
That is exactly what they attempted in Sudan—invading under the cover of a domestic militia, half composed of locals and half of foreign mercenaries.
Those who orchestrated this plot played their roles perfectly. They weaponized media, organizations, and manufactured a non-existent famine crisis. They flooded the airwaves with doomsday narratives of Sudan’s total collapse—starvation, a health system in ruins, rampant epidemics, and more—all to build a case for intervention.
And then, they took their case to the UN Security Council, hoping to pass their plan.
Yet, despite everything, one question remains unanswered:
Where did they go after Biden’s administration left?
Whoever can answer this question will win a prized Nubian sandal (Markoub Nimer) from Al-Fashir!
This land is ours.
— As published in Sudanese Echoes